On 12/31/2010 07:16 AM, Sandro wrote:
Thanks Andrew,

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak<andrew<at>  pitonyak.org>  writes:>

Note that I have not tried anything that I am about to suggest

1. Insert the new row where you desire it to be.

2. Use the view cursor to select the row that you desire to duplicate.

3. Use a dispatch to copy row to the clipboard.

4. Move the view cursor to the new position and use a dispatch to paste
the row into the new row.
after sending this mail I did also investigate the solution with dispatcher,
but I realized I couldn't understand how to move the viewcursor to the
correct location... moreover I mean to use it in a headless environ and I
wasn't sure that this is the best solution.

I expect that in headless mode you will likely NOT have a view cursor. Unfortunately, the view cursor may be the only way to easily select an entire row, but, a cell cursor may also work (I almost never do this so I would need to invest a few hours to understand it..... I rarely have a few hours....)

My best guess without looking anything up (because it is late and my wife told me to come to bed) is that you can use the current controller to select (it should support something like this: "currentcontroller.select(oCell)", but, that is just a guess.

  Anyhow this is what I did:

  table = document.TextTables.getByIndex(0)
  cell = table.getCellByPosition(0,1)

     ...  how to move the cursor to the cell??

  dispatcher =  context.ServiceManager.

  dispatcher.executeDispatch(frame, '.uno:EntireRow', '', 0, tuple())
  dispatcher.executeDispatch(frame, '.uno:Copy', '', 0, tuple())
  dispatcher.executeDispatch(frame, '.uno:Paste', '', 0, tuple())
  dispatcher.executeDispatch(frame, '.uno:JumpToNextCell', '', 0, tuple())

Yes, I had exactly this sort of thing in mind. This likely fails in headless mode, however. May have to use a cell cursor or similar. Copying arbitrary text, however, is tricky at best.

Note: This will likely fail with a complex table and special care is
required for complex content (such as when a cell contains multiple text
objects; for example, an embedded image).
The case I'm dealing with now is simple but as it is part of a template
system that is public I can't make assumptions on how complex will the real
templates be.

I disagree. There is no shame in stating that certain things will ONLY work on a simple table (which is the majority case anyway).

I think that new provisions may exist for copying text content. If that is
the case, you may be able to copy the text content in each cell to the new
cell in the new row.
Can you explain what you mean by "new provisions may exist for copying text
content". I think this is what I was looking for but I was not able to find
a way neather for copying text and style nor for pasting it!...

In a Calc document, I can specifically say "copy this range over there" without using any other special thing like the clipboard. For all I know that may actually work in text tables as well since they share many similarities to a Calc Sheet (again, I did not verify). it looks something like this:

Sub CopySpreadsheetRange
  REM Get sheet 1, the original, and 2, which will contain the copy.
  oSheet1 = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByIndex(0)
  oSheet2 = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByIndex(1)

  REM Get the range to copy and the rang to copy to.
  oRangeOrg = oSheet1.getCellRangeByName("A1:C10").RangeAddress
  oRangeCpy = oSheet2.getCellRangeByName("A1:C10").RangeAddress

  REM The insert position
  oCellCpy = oSheet2.getCellByPosition(oRangeCpy.StartColumn,_

  REM Do the copy
  oSheet1.CopyRange(oCellCpy, oRangeOrg)
End Sub

This may be related to this:



Never used the XTextCopy, never seen it used. Perhaps you can ask on the d...@api.openoffice.org mailing list.

thanks for your time

On 12/28/2010 11:36 AM, Sandro wrote:
I already spent many hours on this problem and I can't find the correct
approach.  I really hope someone can help me or point me in the correct

I need to programmatically duplicate rows of a Table in openoffice writer.

It's not difficult to add rows via table.Rows.insertByIndex(idx, count),
that adds empty rows and it's easy to add text in that row assigning
DataArray to the CellRange. Doing this way you loose control on the style of
the cells and specifically if a cell has words with different style
(bold/italic) they get flattened to the same face. What I need is to
duplicate a row in a way that preserves the style of each word in the

This is the last step of a Python template system that uses openoffice
(http://oootemplate.argolinux.org). I access the document via 'uno'
interface in Python but any language would do to explain the logic behind

thanks in advance


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Andrew Pitonyak
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