At 18:55 22/01/2011 -0800, John Jason Jordan wrote:
OOo 3.2.1 (from OOo) on Fedora 14, x86_64.

I need to create a stacked formula that looks like this (assume the braces are a single scalable brace on each side):

        { Ō }
        { Ŏ }
        { Ŭ }
        { AU }

I need the diacritics over the characters and they must be added with the combining diacriticals in the font that I am using (Junicode). In case they didn't make it through the e-mail, the top O has a macron (U304), the second O and the U have short marks (U306), and the AU has no diacritics. The font does not contain these characters as combined
glyphs so I must use the combining diacriticals. I cannot switch fonts.

Although it doesn't appear in the e-mail, I need the stack center aligned.

The best I have accomplished is this syntax:

left lbrace alignc { # ̄ # O ̆ # U ̆ # AU } right rbrace

This gives me a brace only on the bottom element, lots of ? marks, and an extra blank line in the middle. None of the combining diacriticals actually combine. Only the second element is center aligned.

I hope there is someone here who understands the formula syntax, because it sure has me confused.

To create the large braces, you need the "stack" instruction and one fewer hash marks:
  left lbrace alignc stack { aaa # b # cc # d } right rbrace
(I've used simpler example elements here, so that it will come through more reliably in e-mail.)

I don't see any way to insert special characters in the formula (Math) window itself. But it is perfectly possible to do so in a text (Writer) window - which I imagine you are composing in anyway - and then copy and paste them into the formula window. By doing this, I have been able to create exactly the effect and with the characters and diacritics you describe. You can change fonts at Format | Fonts... using Modify.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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