Den 2011-02-02 03:33:47 skrev . <>:

On 02/01/2011 11:26 AM, Michael D. Roush wrote:
On 2/1/11 11:13 AM, . wrote:

How do I get Calc to put any year (listed in cell A1) and the month
(listed in B1) into C1 so that it would look like this;  January 2011

Given that you have "2011" in cell A1, and "January" in cell B1, the
correct formula for cell C1 would be:


This will take the text from B1, put a space after it, and then the
text from A1.  Result... "January 2011".


Perfect!  Thank you so much.

Which is the same thing as:
=B1 & " " & A1

The & character offers a way to ”concatenate” things without using the CONCATENATE function syntax. A matter of taste, I suppose.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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