Den 2011-03-06 09:50:08 skrev Johnny Rosenberg <>:

Den 2011-03-06 06:35:32 skrev Allen <>:

I feel sure that I've done this but don't recall how as it has been a while.

I have a column of text entries, how do I count the number of cells that are blank and how many have entries? In one column, all the text entries are the same but in other columns there are a wide variety of different texts. All I need is that there are, for example, 27 blank and 126 that have text in them. I don't need the contents, just the number that have contents.

OO 3.1 & LibreOffice 3.3.1/XP SP3



This one counts cells that are not empty:

I can't find the English name for the one that counts empty cells, but it is ANTAL.TOMMA() in Swedish… could be something like ”COUNTEMPTY()” or ”COUNT.EMPTY()”.
You can look for it by selecting a cell and then hit Ctrl+F2.

Found it!

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg
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