* Brian Barker <b.m.bar...@btinternet.com> [110313 13:46]:
> At 13:02 13/03/2011 -0800, Tim Johnson wrote:
> >I'm using OO 3.3 (debian install) on ubuntu 10.4. From
> >Tools->Option->OpenOffice.org Write->General, I have set Tab stops
> >at .22 inches.  However, on occasion, inserting a Tab generates an
> >enormous indentation of over 3 inches. Try as I might, I can't
> >reduce it to .22 inches.
> >
> >How can I correct this?
> You've missed the important detail: what are you doing to try to
> change the tab setting?
  I am not trying to change the tab settings.  
> Tabs occur in Writer at three levels: the default for all documents,
> and as a property of paragraph styles and of paragraphs.  The
> setting you describe at Tools | Options... is just the default for
> all documents, and sets tab stops only at regular intervals across
> the page.  Look at the horizontal ruler at the top of the screen.
> You will see regular faint tick marks representing these regular tab
> positions.  This is a rather crude - and indeed unreliable - way to
> space material across the page, and not to be recommended.
 Crude or not sir, I just used that as a reference to illustrate
 the unwanted size. 
> In order to space material using tabs, you should set your own tab
> stops where you need them.  You can insert tab stops in a paragraph
> style through the Styles and Formatting window; alternatively,
> right-click in a paragraph of that style and go to Edit Paragraph
> Style... | Tabs.  To insert tab stops into a paragraph, go to Format
> | Paragraph... | Tabs (or right-click | Paragraph... | Tabs).
  No help. Settings show as .22 inches....
> Alternatively, just click in the horizontal ruler and then drag the
> resulting tab stop as necessary into position.  You can also copy
> tab stop arrangements between paragraphs using the Format
> Paintbrush.
> If - as you imply - you have a tab stop at some position other than
> where your defaults are set, there is nothing mysterious about it:
> you have (or someone else has) set a tab stop specifically for that
> paragraph or paragraph style.  You can move or remove these using
> the techniques described above.  Note that you can remove a tab stop
> by simply dragging it off the horizontal ruler.
> I trust this helps.
  Whoa there partner! :) I know that you are trying to be helpful,
  and indeed I did ask for help, but you are overwhelming me with
  Let's keep it simple and succint:
  1)I have set Tab stops as .22 inches.
  2)In all cases but one and only one, pressing Tab at the beginning
    of a paragraph inserts a Tab of .22 inches.
    a)Why that particular paragraph?
    b)How do I insert a Tab of .22 inches at that point *instead of
      the 3~ inch tab?

tim at johnsons-web.com or akwebsoft.com
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