Il 18/03/2011 20:10, William Case ha scritto:

This may just be a brain cramp, but I can't see anything in help.  If it
is in help could you tell me under which topic I should be looking.

I have a big spreadsheet in Calc with several sheets.  I simply want to
save one sheet to a new file (.xls).  The data and calculations on this
sheet are Independent of all other sheets.

Is there a way to do this without coping the entire sheet to a brand new
Calc file?

Using OOO 3.3.0

(OOo 3.2.0) Can't find a direct menu option to save a sheet as a separate file (that would be a ODS file with just one sheet inside it), but I found something close.
Create an empty ODS document.
Give focus to the ODS document where the sheets reside.
Edit => Sheet => Move/Copy
Select e.g. sheet 1, then from the dropdown menu select the new empty ODS document you just created. Press OK. The sheet 1 from the original ODS file will be copied or moved to the new ODS doc.


Marcello Romani
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