I live in Russia, and set Russian preferences, but i try switch comma in 
configuration, can't do this (switch ok, but not effect).
Ok, i will save as non CSV format, but how i can remove "E" and show full 19 
symbols decimal ? (0,0000000000000000001).
Need for work, show traffic and analyzing it...
All the best.
From Pavel V Subach

22.03.2011, в 21:27, Johnny Rosenberg написал(а):

> mån 2011-03-21 klockan 21:46 +0600 skrev Павел Субач:
>> Hot question:
>> - How to remove "E" and show full length decimal number ??
>> - How to convert .009 -> 0,009 when import in calc from CSV format ???
>> In previous version, but for Linux (OpenOffice 3.1), it was perfect show my 
>> decimal with 19-20 zero after zero,  without "E" (decimal has anything size)
>> And convert .009->0,009 use English(USA), when import document
>> But all is it won't work in LibreOffice 3.3 and OpenOffice 3.3 for MacOSX
> I have Ubuntu 10.10 (Linux), OpenOffice.org 3.3.0 and LibreOffice 3.3.1.
> I created a simple CSV using my text editor, Gedit and I opened it in
> OpenOffice.org and LibreOffice.
> I selected English (USA) and I also tried English (GBR) and it worked
> properly in both cases: The decimal points were converted to decimal
> commas, which is correct in my case, since my system is set to Swedish,
> and we use decimal commas here.
> So I don't know what you are doing wrong, but it works as expected for
> me.
> -- 
> Best regards
> Johnny Rosenberg
> --
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