
On 2011-03-23, at 01:08 , Peter Junge wrote:

> Community,
> our long term friend and OOo contributer Kazunari Hirano from Japan
> lives in Ichinoseki
> (, which
> has been heavily shaken by the earthquake on March 11th. Ichinoseki is
> also located in the direct back-country of the coast areas of
> Rikuzentakada and Ofunato which have been devastated by the tsunami.
> Hundred thousands of people lost their homes and are still in need of an
> appropriate shelter. Now, Kazunari wants to prepare his little school as
> an emergency accommodation for evacuees. For the details please read:
> What Kazunari needs most is money to take care of the expenses for his
> generous venture. For this reason, we are collecting donations for
> Kazunari using the channels of "Team e.V.". You can send
> money via PayPal, credit card, bank transfer or check. For details
> please refer:
> Every donation, that indicates the intended purpose with "Earthquake
> Japan" or similar keywords will go directly to Kazunari.
> *Please help Kazunari to help others!*
> This is a great opportunity to make donations for Japanese earthquake
> victims, knowing where the money goes and as well avoiding loss due to
> administrative expenses as they occur in larger relief organizations.

I second Peter's request, via Khirano, and am glad to learn that not only is 
Khirano well, but that others involved in who live in Japan are 
also well. As many of you know, the Japanese community is one of 
the largest making up's global communities.

Money is useful, but as recent reports have underscored, Japan is not Haiti, 
which a year ago, we recall, also suffered a devastating earthquake, and where 
Haiti constantly needs money, resources, and global attention, Japan's needs 

But the larger issue, which by no means occludes the request forwarded by 
Khirano and presented here by Peter, is how can we, the 
community, working in concert with other Free and Open-Source communities 
around the world, help directly. 

I have been active in this effort and am seeking to help coordinate the global 
efforts so as to provide *effective* relief that is *community* based and that 
is *sustainable* as well as being *sustaining.* 

The distinction is that money is immensely useful and is always needed, but 
what really makes a difference that lasts is the establishment of community 
resources—informational, technological, personal—that allow the afflicted, the 
refugee, the deprived to gain from the global communities.

I thank Peter for sending this out. I'll be issuing more information on how we, 
the OOo community and others, can complement the efforts outlined above with 
community action.

> Best regards,
> Peter ( Marketing Project)
> P.S.: Forwarding this call for donations is of course welcome.


Louis Suarez-Potts, PhD
Community Development Manager

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