The Slide Pane in Impress (on the left side of the Normal display panel) does not show any images, although the outlines are present and I can get the full editable version of the slide to change by clicking on the outline boxes. I have not been able to find any mention of the Slide Pane in the help files other than the instructions on how to turn it on or off (they work).

The problem appears to be specific to my personal installation on one computer only. When I take a presentation to another computer, the slide panel works. The small images also show up satisfactorily in Slide Sorter mode. The problem has persisted through an upgrade from Fedora 13 to Fedora 14. Current OO version is 3.3.0, running under Fedora 14 on an x64 quad-processor system.

I would like to fix this problem, but am stumped, and would welcome any insights. Thanks!

David Adam
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