I'd like to convert a presentation (not yet created; I've been trying out some test material first) to some form of video. swf seemed the obvious choice as Impress claims to export to this format.

However, the resulting output seems to cause aggro with almost every program I've tried to read it with. 'gnash' (a new one to me till today) will at least read the file - but /none/ of the transitions works, and I have to use the mouse to get between slides.

The old favourites, vlc, mencoder, ffmeg and avidemux, just can't make sense of the file format, and exit with messages as incomprehensible as the file format is to them :-)

So - am I missing something, or are the swf files from Impress subject to some weirdness that stops most programs from using them? Has anyone successfully exported a swf that contains a self-running slide show with nice transitions on and between slides?

I'm on ubuntu if that makes any difference.

TIA for any hints!

Mike Scott
Harlow, Essex, England
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