Simple method is not to save it as a .doc but as a .rtf. Do it all the time. 

God Bless!
Art Pederson
Listen to Prince Albert's Christian Radio Station - Victory FM 100.1
Sent from my iPod or iPhone. 

On 2011-06-20, at 12:50 AM, martin f krafft <> wrote:

> Dear list,
> when I need to cooperate with people using Word, I found that saving
> a document as .doc means that all cross-references show up empty,
> and header/footer are gone. We have also tried .docx and the unified
> format, but neither of those yields acceptable results.
> The first issue may be related to
> This bug is
> almost 10 years old, which makes me think that I must be looking in
> the wrong places.
> Hence my question to you: how do you exchange documents with the
> poor derailed who are using M$ Word?
> The following are the important features we need:
>  - cross-references
>  - changes mode
>  - outlining
>  - headers/footers
> Thanks for sharing any sort of experience with me!
> -- 
> martin | |
> until lions have their historians,
> tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter.
>                                                    -- african proverb
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