Running OOo3.2 under Ubuntu 10.04

It's been so long since I've done a sheet of labels that I can't
even find a previous file about them. I cannot get Writer to pop
up the "SYNCHRONIZE" window. I read the "HELP" segment associated
with "synchronize" and the sequence it recommended did not do the trick.

It may be because I opened this new label file in a different manner
than would customarily be the case - I'd gone on the Web to find a
particular Avery format that my version of Writer didn't offer,
and when I downloaded that label template, it automatically opened a
copy of Writer. At this point I cannot find a way to produce3 the
"SYNCHRONIZE" popup. ???

This raises another question - what would be the most direct method of
expanding my Writer list of Avery templates to something a little more
comprehensive than the apparently rather limited list offered by 3.2?


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