On or about Sat, 20 Feb 2010 11:53 -0500 (CST), William Case is alleged to have

> Window size:  How can I change the opening window size, to accommodate a
> new slightly larger default page width.  I am used to using --geometry X
> x Y, for example, on Xwindow systems but can't find the equivalent
> command flag on OOo.  I would also like to make this new window size
> permanent (i.e. default).

I realize this thread is over a year old.  However, I came across it searching
the Web for an answer to a similar question, although my question has to do with
window positioning rather than with window size.

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) and OpenOffice 3.2.0.  I run Conky (a software
system monitor for the X Window System), whose output window uses up the
leftmost 91 pixels of my monitor and is always on top.  I want most of my
applications to display windows that fill the rest of the screen, whose geometry
is 1275x768+91+0.  I tried using gdevilspie (a non-gui utility that lets you
make applications start in specified workplaces, with specified sizes and
placements) to set this geometry for these applications and it seems to work for
everything but OpenOffice.  How can I make the main OpenOffice windows -- Base,
Draw, Calc, Impress and Write -- open with this same geometry?  Any solution?

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