>>>>> "O" == Olivier Bietzer <olivier.biet...@laposte.net> writes:

    O> Hello, I've been using the mailing possibilities quite a lot, and
    O> since I moved to OOo 3.3.0, it seems that the mailing "into
    O> individual files" does not work anymore.  It simply creates one
    O> unique document, but having the name and type as stated for the
    O> first record...  Does anyone else see the same effect ?

Not sure what you mean by mailing "into individual files", but if you
mean merging and saving to separate files (odt/pdf etc) this is a known
bug in 3.3., fixed in 3.4.

Using Tools -> email-merge to email individually prepared documents
(pdf/odt/text) to separate recipients should work fine in 3.3.


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