I checked the archive and I could not find anything like this. I want
to take data from one sheet from a series of cells that will be
changing but might repeat themselves and take that data and check it
against the data in a column on another sheet and if the data is
already listed there do nothing but if the data is not listed in the
column cell range that I will define then add the data to the first
open spot in that cell. I also want it to take the cell that has been
added and grab the corresponding data from the other cells in that row
and fill those in also.

Example. Sheet 1 cell A4 to A13 also A15 to A27 (which the data in the
cells will repeat themselves occasionally)
Check against Sheet 2 Cells A4 to A15
If the Data that is being checked is not already somewhere in the A4
to A15 range then add the data to the first open cell in the A4 to A15
range. Also when adding the data add the corresponding data from the
row that the data came from and add that to the same row that the data
from the check is being added to.

Example Sheet 1 cell A8. Check against the Range of A4 to A15 on sheet
2. It does not find the same data listed there yet so it adds the Data
from Sheet 1 A8 to Sheet 2 A7. Then grab the data listed in Cells B8,
C8, and D8 and put it into cells B7, C7, and D7 on Sheet 2.

If it makes a difference the data in the cell range on sheet one is
added by selecting a unique ID that is Validated from another sheet
and that selection is what fills in the data for columns B,C, and D.

I have attached the Calc file I am working on. It is in the end for
tracking what type of service calls I am on each day and fill in my
time sheet so I can print it out on fridays.

Thanks for the help.

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