
I've been reading some previous threads about this, but am still a bit
When i open up Open Office i get this message: 

either another instance of openoffice.org is accessing your personal
settings or your personal settings are locked. Simultaneous access can
lead to inconsistencies in you personal settings. Before you
continuing, you should ensure user 'username' closes openoffice.org on
host 'macintosh-4.home

I tried upgrading and now have Open Office 3.3 but the message still
comes up. 

I have tried finding .lock file in my  "/Users/<user
name>/Library/Application Support/OpenOffice.org/3/user but can't find

I have tried 'unhiding' files in order to see .files by going into the
terminal and pasting: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles
-bool true
but don't think that has worked. 

Not sure how to reset user profile and not sure how to find Ooo
directory  (if they are applicable).

I'm on Mac Osx 10.5.8 and I am the only user. Obviously not that
computer literate so would appreciate the help. Please expect me to
know nothing. 

Thank you. 
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