On 11/14/2011 07:50 PM, SUZY SHEPHERD wrote:
All I would like to know is how to add French accents in Open Office text documents.
In Windows, you get a free program called AllChars and make one of your keys a Compose key. In Linux, there are various ways--some of them built in to the system, as in KDE, to make a Compose key. Look for "keyboard." I have made my right CTRL key Compose in Windows and Linux. If you have a Microsoft keyboard (I don't) then the right MS key is good--it doesn't seem to do anything else. When you hit Compose, it only holds for a few seconds, then the key
goes back to what it was originally used for.

I don't know how to do this on a Mac--that may already have a Compose key, I don't know.

To make an accented character, you hit the Compose key, then you type two keys, the letter and the accent or other gadget: á à é è ó ò ú ù ç ô where the accent looks like the thing you want on top of or under the character. This also works for German: Ä ä Ö ö Ü ü ß (that last is with Compose ss). In Spanish, you can get ñ and ¿ ? and ¡ ! You can also then get some other special characters not normally found: £ ¥ € ¢ ° ½ ⅓ ¼ (The degree symbol is Control oo.)

This arrangement works for everything you type, whether in a word processor, or in a terminal,
or wherever you are.


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