On 14/12/11 16:49, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
The subscription address for the Apache OpenOffice users list is


Send a message from the e-mail address you want to be subscribed.
Respond to the confirmation that is returned by the list robot.

If for some reason your request bounces (it happens), report that
and your request to<ooo-users-ow...@incubator.apache.org>.

Couldn't the old list addresses be forwarded to the AOO list addresses in the interim? Then at least people subscribing to the old list would actually be on the new.

It's not over-helpful that the OOo website /still/ has the old list subscribe address (plus, I see the incorrect advice that "You must be subscribed to post messages").

Mike Scott
Harlow, Essex, England
To unsubscribe send email to users-unsubscr...@openoffice.org
For additional commands send email to sy...@openoffice.org
with Subject: help

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