From the Snopes reference included here:

   See also How to Protect Yourself From the "Here You Have" Virus

   *Update:*   This virus has since been referenced in a warning that
   *exaggerates its effects by lifting wording from the years-old "Life
   is beautiful
   <>" virus

   Anyone-using Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on.
   This information arrived this morning, Direct from both Microsoft
   and Norton Please send it to everybody you know who .....<snip>

   Read more:


Evidently the warning was enhanced here. Understand, this is a dangerous virus, but it has been out for a year, and the best protection is a good antivirus program.

From the link above, How to protect yourself...

*But the easiest way to protect yourself from this and other viruses is the simplest: Make sure you're running an anti-virus program and make sure it's up to date.* security analyst Neil J. Rubenking agreed, stressing the importance of your own actions in keeping you safe.

"People! DO NOT click links in e-mail messages from unknown people. DO NOT even click links in e-mail messages from your friend, since the real source of the message might be a virus. DO keep your computer protected with an antivirus <,2817,2368554,00.asp> or a security suite <>," he wrote in an entry on the Security Watch blog.

"That way if you click the wrong link in a fit of weakness, you'll still be protected from whatever new threat replaces 'here you have,'" he pointed out.

David Teague

On 12/11/2011 10:21 AM, Larry Moore wrote:

Subject: FW: read immediately ~ serious
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 07:56:20 -0700

I am reading Bill's speech again right now, in the ~

                    *Snopes verified. PASS IT ON !!*
                    *READ IMMEDIATELY (SERIOUS)*
                    *Anyone-using Internet mail such as Yahoo,
                    Hotmail, AOL and so on. This information arrived
                    this morning, Direct from both Microsoft and
                    Norton. Please send it to everybody you know who
                    has Access to the Internet. You may receive an
                    apparently harmless e-mail titled **�**Here you
                    have it**�**If you open the file, a message will
                    appear on your screen saying: 'It is too late now,
                    your life is no longer beautiful, f*** you and

                    Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC.
                    And the person who sent it to you will gain access
                    to your Name, e-mail and password, etc. This is a
                    new virus which started to circulate on Saturday
                    afternoon. AOL has already confirmed the severity,
                    and the antivirus software's are not capable of
                    destroying it.

                    The virus has been created by a hacker who calls
                    himself 'life owner'.

                    FRIENDS, And ask them to PASS IT ON IMMEDIATELY!

                    **THIS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED BY SNOPES.**
                    *Blessings ~ *
                    *Life's too short to wake up in the morning with
                    regrets, so  .  .  .
                    Love the people who treat you right.  Pray for
                    those who don't.*

    *57 Year Old Mom Looks 27*
    Mom Reveals $3 Wrinkle Trick Angering Doctors...

The Cat Lady <>

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