Also, you probably want to know this: The *LibreOffice* list that corresponds to is The *LibreOffice* list gets a LOT more traffic these days.

-- Tim

On 12/21/2011 5:04 PM, Tim Deaton wrote:
*OpenOffice* ( and it's more-updated descendant *LibreOffice* ( are both free software no matter how many copies you use.

A little history might be in order: Sun Microsystems, which created *OpenOffice*, was bought by Oracle 2 years ago. Oracle had little use for *OpenOffice*, so most of those involved in its development created a new group (The Document Foundation) and used the then-current *OpenOffice* code as the starting point for *LibreOffice*. Since then, *LibreOffice* has continued to develop while *OpenOffice* has been in limbo. Oracle eventually gave the *OpenOffice* code and trademark to the Apache Foundation, which will probably resume development on *OpenOffice* in the near future. But as things stand now, *LibreOffice* is the more up-to-date product.
-- Tim
I know the plans I have for you:
Plans to prosper you and not to harm you;
Plans to give you hope and a future.
                --- God (Jeremiah 29:11)

On 12/20/2011 7:24 PM, Dennis Donohue wrote:
I have open office on my computer and it is so good I put it on my wife's computer also. Unfortunately, her computer has just died. We will get her a new machine. Will we be able to download open office on her new machine? Even though this would mean we have downloaded 3 copies, we will actually only be using two, as one was killed when her old computer died.

Your advice is much appreciated.

Dennis Donohue
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