Girvin, thank you very much. I never noticed that the query (field = xxx) was buried in that "Content" statement. I made the change and it worked as expected in the report. I am going to make sure I save your response for future reference.

On 2/7/12 6:36 AM, wrote:
[users] Re: Where Do Base Reports Store The Desired Query?
"Girvin R. Herr" <>
2/6/12 6:30 PM


Michael Reich wrote:
I've been using a Base database for my stamp collection and each year, I copy the previous year's report structure to a new object for the current year. At the same time, I copy/edit the previous year's Query to a current year query, and edit it to reflect selection of the current year (YYYY) for the query. The query then selects the right records.

However, each year I struggle with updating the report format so it knows to use the most current query to produce the report. I have no idea how I managed to edit the previous report structures to do what I want, but I did. Unfortunately, I'm stuck this year and can't get the report for 2012 to show the 2012 records (it shows the 2011 records, because the 2012 query was a copy of the 2011 query).

I don't know why OO has to be as obtuse as it is in making such a basic edit in a report definition, but I can't find it. How do you edit a report to change the query it should use (where is this setting hidden)? Can someone point me in the right direction to make this edit? Thanks for any help!

I have not had to do this yet, so this procedure is not proven and others in this group may add or subtract from it. It does work when I copy a report or form and have to point the new report or form to another, identical structure, database.
Here is what I discovered:
Right click on the report name in the main window.  Chose "edit".
When the report editing window comes up, left click somewhere in the center window, not on an object, just the background will do. In the right pane, you should see tabs with "General" and "Data" names. Click on "Data".
Edit the "Content" field to your new query name.
That should do it, after you save the report. Don't forget to click on the save icon in the main window also. Both saves must be done to properly save the changes.

Note: this process should also work for forms, although I had to right click on an object in the form, not the background, in order to get the "Data" tab. You must make sure the "Data" is for the entire report/form, not just the field.
Girvin Herr
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