On Wed, 6 Jul 2005, Paul wrote:

For windows this is done by, on the command line, quoting the impress
binary (simpress.exe), then "-show" parameter and the file name.

eg :
simpress.exe -show "filename.odp"

The same for unix machines:

    : ooimpress -show <path>file.sxi



On 7/6/05, Ian Clancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am using Impress to display slide shows on Linux thin client PC's. I
have already set up the clients to autologin and start up impress with
the presention i want to run. Now i want be able to start up impress to
run the slide show automatically, similar to powerpoint with pps files.
Does any know how this can be done ?

Ian Clancy
IT Systems Engineer
Connaught Electronics Ltd.
Dunmore Rd,
Co. Galway,

P : ++353 93 23151
F : ++353 93 23110
W : http://www.cel-europe.com

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