Igor Perkovic wrote:

Have some questions about OOo 1.9.m113.

I`ve installed OOo 1.9.m113 on Windows XP Pro, and everything works OK.
I like very much possibility that I can change keyboard configuration.
Now, when I change keyboard config., I tried to save my configuration with
SAVE.. button, and I did it. Problem is that I can`t load my configuration
with LOAD button from TOOLS-Customize menu.. When I try it, every keyboard
shortcuts just become blank?! When I reset configuration, everything just
back on default conf.

I solved this problem in way that I`ve goes in C:/Documents and
settings/... Application .../ and I saved current configuration from
OOo/...share/conf/... acceleration/...  and when I`ve got this current.xml
file, I can save them and I can put it back if I change configuration.

My question is: How can I save and load configuration from
TOOLS->CUSTOMIZE menu?!  Must I write some specific extension to
configuration file or what?!

Anyway, OpenOffice.org is far more best from other office suites and I can
tell in relations to MSOffice 2003 Pro, because I`m teaching people Office
courses. And I suggest people that use OOo.

Greetings and regards from Zagreb, Croatia

Igor Perkovic

Igor --

I agree, this is a bug. I just checked in 1.9.113 and it happens for me too.

I did a quick search, and I couldn't find an issue filed for it, could you please file an issue to report this as a defect. I have included a link to instructions to do this.

The best way to have problems such as this evaluated is to file an
issue. Issued are used to both report defects in the software and to
propose that new features be added. For instructions on how to file an
issue please see:


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It is important that you file
the issue to ensure reproducibility with your examples.

Peter Kupfer -- Using OOo since 'OO4 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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