I'm new to OpenOffice, and i had a slight problem when installing. I usally open the readme file to get 2 pieces of information: how to install, how to start. When unpackig there were 2 executable files, but no info on which is the graphical installer, and what does the other do. There's not a word in the readme how to start the program, i know it's obvious for everybody that openoffice.org starts with the soffice command, but it wasn't for me. :) So this would be useful in the readme:
GUI installer: setup, Start with: soffice
(I haven't checked the english readme, just the hungarian)
The other question:
I use a Gnome 2.6 desktop, when i start OOo some parts of the window match my desktop theme setting, but others don't. The open file dialog is 100% gnome, but the menu line of the main window isn't. The letters are antialiased but not with subpixel antialiasing so they look quite ugly. Can i make the whole thing look gnome-like?

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