On Sunday 14 August 2005 12:06 pm, Guido Pinkernell wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 14. August 2005 18:44 schrieb Yoseph:
> > On someone else's system, when you say "Export as PDF", and then
> > give it a file name, it then gives you 3 options, one of which is
> > press optimized, another is screen optimized, etc.  I don't get
> > that on my system.  I enter the name of the file and it creates the
> > PDF without asking me those questions, even though other people are
> > getting it.  Why?
> When you export to pdf via toolbar icon, then it won't give you the
> options (it uses the last option as default). When you choose > File
> > Export as PDF, then the three options should appear after setting
> the file name.
> Guido
     It is the process that seems to confuse people. When saving a 
document with a password, the password choice is given before the file 
is named and saved. When using File > Elxport as PDF, the file is named 
and Export is clicked before the PDF Options window opens. There 
choices can be made as to which pages to export as well as the compress 
to be used.  (This is OOo 1.1.4 on Linux.)


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