I hope this doesn't end up as a double post.  The first time I sent it,
I realised it was from a non-subscribed address.

I'm using ooo 1.1.4 on SuSe 9.2 with an HP PSC 2510, but my comments
apply to all ooo versions I've tried up to and including 1.9.125.

If I wish to insert an scanned image into other applications (e.g. Gimp,
koffice, digikam), an xsane interface comes up that allows me to set the
resolution on a sliding scale from 75 to 1200 and to carry out a preview
in order to identify the specific section of the image I wish to scan.

However, in openoffice.org all I get is a very limited interface that
gives me a choice of either 75 or 1200 dpi, with nothing in between.  75
is too coarse for most images, and 1200 produces very large files,
besides taking ages to complete.  In addition, if I try to create a
preview, I am informed that my scanner does not offer a preview option,
which is rather odd since I use that option in every other application I
scan into.

The 'device' button correctly identifies the scanner I'm using.

Is there any way of changing the interface to give the same facilities
as in other applications?  At the moment I scan at my preferred
resolution of 300 into another application and then copy and paste into
ooo, but that's a time-consuming workaround that shouldn't be necessary
if the interface was better.



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