I have downloaded and installed the latest beta into Ubuntu (actually
kubuntu hoary). I have followed the recommended pathway in that platform:
sudo alien -k openoffice.org*.rpm
sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite openoffice.org*.deb

I find two uncommon things:
a) the whole openoffice.org1.9.125 is symlinked at /etc
I do not remember this in earlier betas. Why this "duplication"?

b) the key file ../program/soffice has permissions set as 0000 (file
unusable). This makes that newly installed menu entries do not fire teh
program. Changing to 555 makes the file readable and executable by all,
and the installation complete. Why this is not done automatically?

Are these findings general, or just happen in my system?

Most linux newbies (including myself) find confusing to deal with chmod
and file permissions. If this is general, I would enter a bug report.


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