G. Roderick Singleton wrote:

On Wed, 2005-08-31 at 16:45 -0400, Pete Holsberg wrote:
Installing 1.9.125 in its own directory hierarchy removed *some* of the files in my 1.9.122 folder. Is it safe to completely remove the *entire* 1.9.122 folder now?

Depends on how you installed. I tried Uhv to install OOo from RPMs and
ended up removing everything and starting from scratch as some things
were used from one hierarchy in the 125 hierarchy and the net result was
confusion. So, from my experience, I would say keep the old hierarchy
until you absolutely establish that there is no interaction.
Forgot to mention Windows XP. :-)

The folders that remain in the 1.9.122 hierarchy are also in the 1.9.125 hierarchy, implying that the old ones are redundant.


Pete Holsberg
Columbus, NJ
Because religious belief, or non-belief, is such an important part of every person's 
life, freedom of religion affects every individual. State churches that use government 
power to support themselves and force their views on persons of other faiths undermine 
all our civil rights. Moreover, state support of the church tends to make the clergy 
unresponsive to the people and leads to corruption within religion. Erecting the 
"wall of separation between church and state," therefore, is absolutely 
essential in a free society.

Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826), speech, 1808

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