On 12 Sep 2005 at 17:55, Dan Lewis wrote:
>      Part of the problem may be that most people do not read the setup 
> guide first. As I pointed out above, page 27 in the 1.1.4 setup guide 
> discusses this issue as well as tells how to solve the problem. Is 
> there something that you would like to change on that page?

But if people *won't* read the setup guide, how would this help?

It's obviously a problem for some, so wouldn't it best to put a warning 
during installation in inch high, flashing red letters about this 
particular choice?  And have the default to leave file associations 
alone. (And make sure there are entries in the help files to help put 
things back if needed.)  Mind you, I strongly suspect even then some 
will just click through, and complain that clicking on an msoffice file 
doesn't start OOo. :-)
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