On Tue, 2005-09-13 at 14:01 +0800, Wan Mohd Hafizi wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> I'm using Oo Calc. during save the program I'm not so sure how come its 
> damage.
> When I try to open cannot open.
> Any where to recovery the damage file.

No tool as such. However, you may able to recover the data. Remember
that OOo files are zipfiles so you can check by using your zip tool to
see if it can upack the file into its components. Providing that you can
extract content.xml, you may be able to rebuild a proper file using with
this file. Here's how:
     1. Create an empty document of the same type as the damaged one
     2. make a directory and extract the empty doc created in (1) into
     3. overwrite/copy content.xml from the damaged file over the one in
        the directory created in (2)
     4. Use your zip tool to create a new zipfile with all the files and
        directories. e.g. zip -r ../my_rebuild.sxw *
     5. Check my_rebuild.sxw with OOo.

No guarantees but this has worked for me.

Do keep back ups.
OpenOffice.org Documentation Co-Lead

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