Dale Erwin wrote at 13:12 on 12 Sep 2005:

> James E. Lang wrote:
> > Oh, dear!
> > 
> > I just read elsewhere that OOo does not include a database engine but rather
> > that OOo uses a standard interface to an external database engine. I was
> > assuming that there was a database engine within OOo. This probably explains
> > my problem in that I have not first configured OOo to use an external 
> > database
> > engine.  
> OpenOffice.org 1.x.x does not include a database engine, but in
> OOo 2.0 (still in beta, but stable) there is a database engine
> integrated into it, even though it was not developed by the
> OOo team.  It is HSQLDB.  Its integration into OOo was done by
> a joint effort of the OOo team and the HSQL team.
>     <http://hsqldb.org>

Thank you for this information. It is good to know.

Unfortunately the response I received on the Help forum for HSQLDB said, "We do 
not deal with the user interface of OOo." This leaves me with my initial 
problem of being unable to reliably set the default value for BOOLEAN fields to 
be Yes (TRUE). It was suggested that I try the SQL command SCRIPT 'logfile' 
which showed me that there is no DEFAULT clause in the definitions. I suspect 
that the problem is *not* caused by HSQLDB though I have posted this 
information there as well.

I wish I could state that the result is consistent since that would make it 
much easier to track down the fault. Usually the default value for these fields 
reverts to No (FALSE). Sometimes the length attribute of these fields changes 
to zero (0). On rare occasions these field definitions have been as I intended 
them to be. The database that I'm creating will have ten tables with up to 
seven BOOLEAN fields in a single table. Most of the BOOLEAN fields need to 
default to Yes (TRUE).

> > Where can I find information about how to configure OOo to make use of a
> > database package? I am just getting started designing and building my first
> > database application which is for my personal use.
> If you are going to build your application in OOo, I see no reason
> why you couldn't use OOo2.0beta2 and its integrated HSQLDB.  Many
> DBMSs were evaluated for this project and HSQLDB was chosen for
> its superior performance.  Even though it is written in Java, it
> outperformed Mysql, PostgreSQL, and several others.  I have used
> it in several Java applications I have written, and it is really
> lightning fast.

I'm sorry. I thought I stated in the original post that I am trying to use OOo 
version 1.9.125 (OOo v2.0 Beta2).

I might add that I have experienced other quirks in the process of creating my 
tables with descriptions vanishing or field order being scrambled but this is 
the only one that I have found that I cannot work around and that, IMO, has an 
impact on the usage of the database.

Am I by any chance one of the first to try to create a database using this 
internal engine? I'm guessing that creation of a BOOLEAN field with a default 
value may not yet have been tested by any official test script. If that is the 
case then I suppose I should be reporting my problem in some other manner to 
bring it to the attention of the developers/testers but I don't know how to 
properly do that.


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