Richard & Hilary Dickinson wrote:
Dear Sir,
             I have been sent an ODG document (openoffice) & tried
opening it with MS Word but this didn't work.How can I open it (do I
need the Open office program installed?)?
Hope you can help, thanks,
Richard Dickinson

I could be mean and say that this is what I experience each time someone sends me a DOC or XLS document and leave it there.

I agree with other responders that you can download and install OpenOffice from for no cost. Ensure that it is the beta2 version or 1.1.5 as this will open the document. 1.1.4 will not.

As Microsoft to support the OASIS standard standard. Not much chance of that happening.

As the original sender to resend the document in pdf format as OpenOffice can create pdf files with a single click and no outside application.

I would recommend the first option as it allows you to experience a program that allows more control over how you handle and create document in comparison to Office XP. At least this is what I am told by the users that have converted around work here. And the cost is a much better value that that offered by Microsoft.

Robin Laing

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