keith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thank you for the lead on a grammar checker.
> When I am putting the ideas on "paper" the ideas flow without much 
> concern about grammar.  Then once it is on paper I sometimes done
> see 
> what I wrote but what I think I wrote.
> I like the grammar checker because it catches some of the typo
> where the 
> typo is a real word.
> their vs there
> in vs inn
> car vs care
> bear vs. bare
> Verb agreement is big with me
> I could go on for quite a long list.  W


I didn't mean to put you on the spot... If the grammar checker were
closer to perfection then I would be a big fan.  I was kind of hoping
that what you wanted was easy... 'in' from 'inn' probably would stick
out to a simple algorithm but I don't think telling 'bear' from
'bare' would be easy...

Take a look at Higgins (from the link on the OOo grammar page) for an
idea how complex this stuff is...


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