Bob wrote:

> over here our dates start with the days then months then years as 16/09/05 
> but your 

Assuming you are using Calc, you need to configure the cell style.

"<CTRL> <F12> ">Cell styles >New >Numbers"

The keyboard shortcut is <ALT> < C >.
This is drop down which contains the following options:
Boolean Value
The keyboard shortcut is <ALT> < o >.
Selectable options for Format depend upon the option selected for Category.

If "All" is selected, all options listed are available.

If "User-defined" is selected, only formats created by the user are available.

If "Number" is selected, the following options are available:
-1234   Integers.
1234.12 Real numbers.
1,234   Integers with thousands separator.
1,234.12        Real numbers with thousands separator.
-1234   Negative integer.
-1234.12        Negative real number.
-1,234  Negative integer with thousands separator.
-1,234.12       Negative real number with thousands separator.

If "Percent" is selected, the following options are available:
13%     Integer with percent sign
13.95%  Real number with percent sign

Selecting this option multiplies the number by 100.

If "Currency" is selected, the following options are available:
[These are the default options for a locale of  "English US".  Other
locales may be different.]
-$1,234         Negative US Dollar amount.  No cents. Currency symbol is used.
-$1,234.56      Negative US Dollar amount, with cents. Currency symbol is used.
-$1,234         Negtaive US Dollar amount is red.  No cents.  Currency symbol 
is used.
-$1,234.56      Negative US Dollar amount with cents is red.  Currency
symbol is used.
$1,234-         Negative US Dollar amount is red.  No cents. Negative symbol
follows the dollar amount.  Currency symbol is used.
-1,234.56 USD   Negative US Dollar amount, with cents.  "USD" follows
the amount.  No currency sign is used.
-1,234.56 USD   Negative US Dollar amount, with cents.  "USD" follows
the amount.  No currency sign is used.  Text is in red.

If "Date" is selected, the following options are available:
[These are the default options for a locle of "English US".  Other
locales may have different default options.]
[See below for abbreviations ]
1/2/00                          M/D/YY
Sunday, January 02, 2000        NNNN, MMMM DD, YYYY
01/02/00                                MM/DD/YY
01/02/0000                      MM/DD/YYYY      
Jan 2, 00                               MMM D, YY
Jan 2, 2000                     MMM, D, YYYY
2. Jan. 2000                    D.MMM.YYYY
January 2, 2000                 MMMM D, YYYY
2.January.2000                  D, MMMM, YYYY
Sun, Jan 2, 2000                NN, MM, D, YYYY
Sun 02/Jan/00                   NN DD/MMM/YY
Sun, January 2, 2000            NN, MMMM, D, YYYY
Sunday, January 2, 2000 NNNN, MMMM D, YYYY
01-02                           MM-DD
00-01-02                                YY-MM-DD
2000-01-02                      YYYY-MM-DD
01/00                           MM/YY
Jan 02                          MMM YY
January                         MMMM
1st Quarter 00                  QQ YY
2                                       WW
01/02/00 01:37 PM               MM/DD/YY HH:MM AM/PM
01/02/0000 13:37:56             MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS

These abbreviations mean:
[See below for abbreviations ]
AM/PM   Display AM or PM.  [Twelve hour clock]          
D               Single digit day of month.
DD              Two digit day of month.
H               24 hour time of day
HH              12 hour time of day.
M               Month by number
MM              Minutes
MMM     Month name abbreviated
MMMM    Month name. Full name.
NN              Day of week. Abbreviated name.
NNNN    Full name of the day of th week, followed by a comma.
QQ              Quarter by number
WW      Week by number
YY              Two digit year
YYYY    Four digit year

Additional abbrevations for creating a custom formt code.
K       Swedish Locales only:   Use instead of "Q";
T       French Locales only: Use instead of "Q";
T       Spanish Locales only: Use instead of "Q";
G       Japanese Locale Only.  Single character Gengou Era dates are returned.;
G       Western Locales Only:   Gregorian dates are returned.  ( AD only. );
GG      Japanese Locale Only:   Abbreviated name of the Gengou Era dates are 
GG      Western Locales Only:  Gregorian dates are returned.  ( AD only. );
GGG     Japanese Locale Only:  Complete name of the Gengou Era is returned;
GGG     Western Locales Only:  Gregorian dates are returned.  ( AD only. );
EE              Returns years within the Era.;
AAA:    Arabic Locales only.    Islamic Dates are returned;
AAAA    Arabic Locales only.    Islamic Dates are returned;

If "Time" is selected, the following options are available:
13:37                   HH:MM
13:37:56                        HH:MM:SS
01:37 PM                        HH:MM AM/PM
01:37:56 PM             HH:MM:SS AM/PM
876613.37.46            [HH]:MM:SS
37.46.00                        MM:SS.00
876613.37.46.00 [HH]:MM:SS.00
01/02/00 01:37 PM       MM/DD/YY HH:MM AM/PM
01/02/2000 01:37:56     MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS

These abbreviations mean
AM/PM   Display AM or PM.  [Twelve hour clock]          
D               Single digit day of month.
DD              Two digit day of month.
H               24 hour time of day
HH              12 hour time of day.
M               Month by number
MM              Minutes
YY              Two digit year
YYYY    Four digit year
SS              Seconds
0               Tenths of a second
00              Hundreths of a second
[HH]    Elapsed hours.  

Swahili locales use AM/PM for both Post-Meridian/Ante-Meridian, and
If "Scientific" is selected, the following options are available:
-1.23E+003      0.00E+000
-1.23E+03       0.00E+00

If "Fraction" is selected, the following options are available:
-1234 1/8               # ?/?
-1234 10/81     # ??/??

These abbreviations indicate
#               Integer number
?/?             fraction (one digit only)
??/??   fraction (two  digits)
Fractions may not contain more than six digits.

If "Boolean Value" is selected, the following options are available:
TRUE    Boolean

If "Text" is selected, the following options are available:
@               This treats all input as text.
The keyboard shortcut is <ALT> < L >.

This is a drop down list of all languages supported by OOo.   Appendix
A contains a list of languages supported for OOo 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4,
1.1.5, and 2.0.
This is available only if Category is selected for one of the following:

If  available, you have the following options:
Decimal Places;
Leading Zeros;
Negative Numbers Red;
Thousands Separator;

Decimal Places is a Drop Down Box. You can select any number between
zero and twenty, inclusive.  [0..20].  This defines the degree of
precision displayed in the spreadsheet.  The keyboard shortcut is
<ALT> < D >.

Leading Zeros:is a Drop Down Box. You can select any number between
zero and twenty, inclusive.  [0..20]. This defines the minimum number
of digits in your number. The keyboard shortcut is <ALT> < Z >.

Negative Numbers Red is a Checkbox.  Checking this makes negative
numbers red.  This property is used  in financial accounting. The
keyboard shortcut is <ALT> < N >.

Thousands  Separator is a Checkbox.  Checking this will display the
thousands separator in the spreadsheet. The keyboard shortcut is <ALT>
< T >.
Format Code
The keyboard shortcut is <ALT> < F >.

Enter an appropriate string here.

In addition to the abbrevitions described in Format, the following are
also available.

Placeholders are:
"0" for leading zeros
"#" for no leading zero.

For scientific notation.

The thousand separator can be either a Full Stop ".", or a Comma ","
depending upon the language/locale settings.  OOo does not allow a
Space " " to be used as a thousands separator.

The decimal separator can be either a Full Stop ".", or a Comma ","
depending upon the language/locale settings.  OOo does not allow the
Middle Dot "ยท" as a decimal serparator.

For non decimal fractions, use Question Marks,"?" for digits, and
Virgule, "/" as the fraction seperator.

Colors that can be used for foramtting are 

Brackets  --- "[" and "]"  --- serve as conditional statements.  If a
color is in brackets, the color is displayed only if the number is

Use "plus", "minus", or "null" in the numbering format, for different
behaviour for positive numbers, negative numbers, or zero.

Conditional statements can include 
Greater Than "<" ; 
Greater Than or Equal To "<="; 
Less Than ">"; 
Less Than or Equal To ">=";  
Equal To "=";  
Not Equal To "<>".

BOOLEAN can be used for designating a cell as TRUE/FALSE.

To display numbers using native number characters, use a [NatNum1],
[NatNum2], ... [NatNum11] modifier at the beginning of a number format

The [NatNum1] modifier always uses a one to one character mapping to
convert numbers to a string that matches the native number format code
of the corresponding locale. The other modifiers produce different
results if they are used with different locales. A locale can be the
language and the territory for which the format code is defined, or a
modifier such as [$-yyy] that follows the native number modifier. In
this case, yyy is the hexadecimal MS-LCID that is also used in
currency format codes. For example, to display a number using Japanese
short Kanji characters in an English US locale, use the following
number format code:

In the following list, the Microsoft Excel [DBNumX] modifier that
corresponds to [NatNum] modifier is shown. If you want,
you can use a [DBNumX] modifier instead of [NatNum] modifier for your
locale. Whenever possible, internally maps [DBNumX]
modifiers to [NatNumN] modifiers.

[NatNum1] Transliteration in
Chinese: Chinese lower case characters; CAL: 1/7/7 [DBNum1]
Japanese: short Kanji characters [DBNum1]; CAL: 1/4/4 [DBNum1]
Korean: Korean lower case characters [DBNum1]; CAL: 1/7/7 [DBNum1]
Thai: Thai characters
Arabic: Indic characters
Indic: Indic characters
[NatNum2] Transliteration in
Chinese: Chinese upper case characters; CAL: 2/8/8 [DBNum2]
Japanese: traditional Kanji characters; CAL: 2/5/5 [DBNum2]
Korean: Korean upper case characters [DBNum2]; CAL: 2/8/8 [DBNum2]

[NatNum3] Transliteration in
Chinese: fullwidth Arabic digits; CAL: 3/3/3 [DBNum3]
Japanese: fullwidth Arabic digits; CAL: 3/3/3 [DBNum3]
Korean: fullwidth Arabic digits [DBNum3]; CAL: 3/3/3 [DBNum3]

[NatNum4] Transliteration in
Chinese: lower case text [DBNum1]
Japanese: modern long Kanji text [DBNum2]
Korean: formal lower case text

[NatNum5] Transliteration in
Chinese: Chinese upper case text [DBNum2]
Japanese: traditional long Kanji text [DBNum3]
Korean: formal upper case text

[NatNum6] Transliteration in
Chinese: fullwidth text [DBNum3]
Japanese: fullwidth text
Korean: fullwidth text

[NatNum7] Transliteration in
Japanese: modern short Kanji text
Korean: informal lower case text

[NatNum8] Transliteration in
Japanese: traditional short Kanji text [DBNum4]
Korean: informal upper case text

[NatNum9] Transliteration in
Korean: Hangul characters

[NatNum10] Transliteration in
Korean: formal Hangul text [DBNum4]; CAL: 9/11/11 [DBNum4]

[NatNum11] Transliteration in
Korean: informal Hangul text

Options that are not available are grayed out.


Sorry, but all the formatting ws lost, when I did the cut and paste.   :(

If that doesn't help you create a cell style with the date format you
want, I'll write a real answer, instead of just tossing the
documentation out.


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