Jonathon Blake wrote:

On 9/30/05, Randomthots  wrote:

The question is how do these balance out?

a)  This is one of the "dammed if we do, dammed if we don't" things.

Specifically, by omitting it from the installation menu, people think
that MSO files can not be opened by OOo.  By including it in the
installation menu, people are going to either click "yes", or "no",
without paying any attention to what they are clicking.
How about omitting it and adding, "If you wish to open a Microsoft Office file with, right-click on that file and choose 'Open With'"

b) Uninstall MSO.
Ooooh! They paid LOTSA money for MSO!!!

Install OOo.
Configure OOo to automatically open MSO file extensions. (I don't
remember if OOo automatically assigns MSO file extensions to OOo, if
MSO is not installed.)
Install MSO, and notice how it handles the MSO file extensions.

I'll also ask why do people want to open files by hunting through
their computer, without opening the program first?

Maybe they know where the file is located because they have set up a logical directoiry structure....or perhaps they have all their files in a single directory! :-)

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