On Thu September 29 2005 09:52, doug bash wrote:
>   That a project as complicated as this set of
> programs done cooperatively by volunteers has turned
> out so impressively is amazing. Nonetheless, for those
> of us simply working in the mines, there are a few
> nits which if picked, might make life easier.
Great, we are always interested in ways to improve OOo - and even more, we are 
interested in those willing to help with those suggestions :)

>      The OOO website is not overly  helpful.  When
> undertaking something new, it is easy to make
> mistakes, so you would hope that info on, for example,
> installation would be as clear and simple as possible;
> thus when the ooo doc site says to click "here" for
> guides and instructions, it is disconcerting to find
> that the url does not exist and you are told to go
> back where you came from. 
Which URL ?
Where did you find it ?

[snip ramble]

>      For those of us with dial-up web connections, the
> suite download is an adventure.  On the "in for a
> dime, in for a dollar" principle, couldn't the "Users'
> Guide", how-to's, etc. be included in the package?
I think that the users guide already is. There are other manuals but if we 
included them, then we would have more users complaining about the size of 
the package :(

>    Ordinarily, the concepts involving file
> associations do not enter the consciousness of most
> everyday office program users. Had I not been reading
> the users' list before downloading OOO, the
> implications of the innocuous looking question asked
> during set-up would never have occurred to me. The
> number of problems reported indicate that instead of
> posts saying "you did it to yourselves" some sort of
> warning or explanation should be attached. On this
> list in mid-Sept a Naomi Kramer posted an excellent,
> brief, lucid description of the issues involved. Could
> not it or something similar be cited explaining what
> this decision entails at set-up?
As you can imagine, with so much traffic, it is better to quoate the relevant 
text if you really want a response to it.

CPH : openoffice.org contributor

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