Is there a way to make this the default method so that I don't have to
edit/links for every picture?


-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Chilco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 19:04
Subject: Re: [users] copy & paste text & image from webpage

Hi J.R.,
For point 2., after you paste, select 'edit / links' and break the link
for each image. This will cause OOo to save a copy of the image in your

Catai, J.R. wrote:

>I have two problems:
>1. When I copy and paste a piece of text from a webpage into Writer.
>However, sometimes Writer doesn't allow me to change the font type 
>(verdana/arial --> times new roman) by modifying the 'style'. (Format, 
>Styles and Formatting, select desired style, Modify, Font). I can only 
>change the font by selecting the whole paragraph and Forma, Character, 
>Font. Questions: why is that and what can I do to change the font by 
>using the style?
>2. Usually the copied texts contain pictures (gif, png, jpg). When 
>pasting in into Writer, I notice that it doesn't embed the picture into

>the document, but calls it from a link. In this way, when I get to a 
>off-line computer, I cannot see the picture :( So, how can this problem

>be solved?
>BTW: By copying and pasting the same text (with pictures) into M$ Word,

>I did not experienced the problems above.
>I am using Win XP, OOo 2.0

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