On Tue, 2005-10-25 at 19:09 +0100, CPHennessy wrote:
> On Mon October 24 2005 15:20, Edward Parker wrote:
> > On Sun, 2005-10-23 at 18:39 -0700, Edward Parker wrote:
> > > We have two users on our computer:  one for daily use and the other
> >
> > for an accounting package for our business, which we acquired from the
> > former treasurer who had Microsoft Word.  My question is:  we can create
> > and send pdf files on our main user, but on the other user (accounting)
> > we cannot.  We get a prompt about the serve, and it will not allow us
> > to send the e-mail or pdf file.   PS.   We have 1 computer w / 2 user
> > accounts, using Microsoft XP, Installed the new OOo 2.0. OOo appears on
> > both user accounts. I am not sure what you mean by JRE. Thank you.
> >
> Both users are using the same version of OpenOffice.org ?
> Have you checked that the options set for both users is the same ?
> Have a look at "Tools" -> "Options" for both users.

Good question. Another thing that come to mind that might be affecting
the situation is that one user has update properties and the other does
not. Try enabling this feature.

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