Christof Petig wrote:
Robin Laing schrieb:

Funny that you say this.  I just opened OOo as a test and found that it
opened in about 4 seconds.  I also found this last night on the laptop
at home.  All machines have at least 1 gig ram.

I have only 512MB RAM in the interesting machine. Luckily opening office
documents is the only task the machine has to do.

In both cases it was with the latest kernel upgrade.

I am using Fedora Core 4 on an older Pentium processor.  How fast do you
want it to open?  I don't know about you but 4 sec isn't that long.

With hot caches, isn't it. I'm also interested in startup time on a
newly rebooted/suspended computer. OOo/Linux really made a bad _initial_
impression because of this.

If you need it faster, why not put OOo in the autostart of your
desktop?  Or write a cron job to make sure it is running?

The point is: If people are used to MS Office opening documents within
instants, you cannot tell them that 4 seconds is really fast. And 1.1
opened within under a second if the quickstarter was active. All I want
is that 2.0 can do this, too.

PS.  I do agree with the comment about bugzilla.  If you don't know all
the different terms, finding or reporting a bug is a real pain.

Do you know where to report a bug with OOo? I failed to find it.


For what it is worth. I upgraded my kernel a few days ago and OOo opens much faster. Very noticeable. In timing tests on Calc saves made a difference from 11 minutes to 4 minutes. This is with the same spreadsheet.

I timed OOo open this morning at 5.66 seconds.

My latest kernel. 2.6.13-1.1532

I noticed this improvement on all three Linux computers that I use. Boot times are also much faster on the laptop. Heck I can almost play a DVD without DMA now. Now to get that DMA working.
Robin Laing

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