The problem I have is with the menu "Get Info"; this is the menu i normally use to set OO as the default application for documents with the same extension.
In this menu there is the "Open With:" function.
I select the "Open With" then I choose Open Office 2.0 as the application I want to use and the I select the "Modifica tutto" button (I don't know what is the english label for this button, anyway the meaning of this button is : "use this application to open all the documents as this one ..."). I get then the message box "... are you sure you want to do this ....", I select Continue and the in the text box where I have choosed O.O. 2.0 as the application the system display "Non applicabile" that means "I can't do that"

I hope it is clear.


Toralf Lund wrote:

Roberto Demarchi wrote:

I cannot set Open Office 2.0 to be the default application for all the document with the same extension (.sxc .doc .xls ...). With Open Office 1.0 this was possible in the Finder, with the function Obtain Info ---> Open with ---> Modify all (sorry for the translation, but I have Mac X in Italian and I do not know how this function is described in the English version).
Couls someone help ????

What exactly happens when you try the method described above? Are you saying that 2.0 does not show up in the "Open wint:" menu of Get Info? It does for me, but I've only tested with PowerPoint documents. I don't think I have any .doc or .xls files on my Mac...

- Toralf

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