Johnny.1966 <johnny.1966 <at>> writes:
> I select my settings file and click Open.
> Now I have the followng settings:
> Ctrl+B = Nothing
> Ctrl+F = Nothing
> Inow scrolling up and down, only to find that nothing is assigned to  
> anything...
> The settings above are now verified, so lets try to load my settings which  
> I saved as "Inställningar OpenOffice" just a short moment ago.
> Tools - Customize... - Keyboard
> Load...
> Again, when selecting "Configuration" in the File format field, no files  
> are shown, so I reselect All files (*.*), then I select my file  
> "Inställningar OpenOffice", then I hit Open.
> This time every shortcut key for Calc was assigned to nothing and the  
> shortcut keys was not affected at all, maybe because the  
> Calc radio button was selected.
> Just for fun I now select the radio button and then I Load  
> the "Inställningar OpenOffice" file again, and yes, now everything is  
> assigned to nothing...
> So my conclusions about 2.0 are:
> 1. Saving and loading keyboard settings does not work...
> 2. Configuration files does not have a suffix...?? In the save dialog,  
> when selecting the file type "Configuration", no files are shown at all,  
> so "All files (*.*)" must be selected (1.1.5 is the same in this case).
> 3. If a configuration file is loaded, every shortcut key will be cleared  
> (assigned to nothing) for the application selected ( in  
> this case).
> Can anyone else test this to verify if something is wrong with my  
> installation or if this is a general misbehaviour?
I have just loaded a keyboard config file - all settings for keyboard shortcuts
are erased.  I have Mandrake Linux.  Do you want to file this as an issue?  If
so, publish the issue number and I'll vote for it.  For the time being, I
suggest you simply customize the settings without saving and loading - I have
not found that to be necessary.  For some time now, I have been using my setting
of "Home" instead of "Ctrl-Home" and "End" instead of "Ctrl-End" - both without
saving and re-loading.  Cheers, Terry.

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