
What you want is not numbering styles, but the outline numbering.
Chech that one out, it is in the Tools menu.
It allows you to assign numbers for the various headings. It is very
similar to the numbering style but they are for different purposes. The
outline numbering is for what you want, numbering styles are for lists
and numbered sequences within a particular style.


On Wed, 16 Nov 2005 19:46:27 +0000
Alan Chandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am new to OpenOffice so forgive me if this question is simple.  I
> have searched the Archives, but can't see any relevant discussion.
> Using version 2.0
> I am trying to create a document in which the headings are numbered 1,
> 2, 3 etc and the paragraphs under that heading are numbered 1.1,
> 1.2 ... Then 2.1 2.2 etc after the next heading. (It's a legal
> document).  The numbers should be at the left margin and the text
> indented 36pts (another gripe is that I really want horizontal
> distances to be in units related to length and the vertical line
> spacing to be in terms of font size - but I can only seem to choose
> one or the other).
> I created my heading line and gave it style heading 1, called up
> styles and formating with F11 and right click on style heading1 and
> set the numbering style to numbering1.
> I created my first paragraph after the heading and editing it to have
> a numbering1 as its list style.  After a lot of playing around -
> which I am not sure quite how I solved it, I got this paragraph to
> have two number levels.  I created a new style (clause) from this
> paragraph.
> All seemed to work well as I was entering new paragraphs down to the
> point where I created a new heading.  The following paragraph also has
> the clause style, but it only has one numbering level, and its
> indentation is all wrong.  But I can't figure out how to change it.
>  If I change its style to default and then back to clause it doesn't
> have any numbers.  In fact the only way I can get a number is to
> manually give it a style of numbering1, and then it only seems to
> have one level of digit and all the indentation is wrong.  Whatever I
> do, I can't figure out how to get a second level of numbering.
> I clearly have concepts completely mixed up here (probably from my use
> of MS Word:-() can someone help me out please.
> -- 
> Alan Chandler
> Open Source. It's the difference between trust and antitrust.
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