On Thu, 2005-11-17 at 23:42 -0500, Caleb Marcus wrote:
> Martin S wrote:
> > Apologies if this is a faq. I did a search on the messages I have, but came
> > up empty.
> >
> > When saving a file as .odt I get two error messages regarding the process.
> > Common to both is mention of BASIC (
> >
> > First: Error loading BASIC of document.Mentions script.xlb
> > Second: Same, mentions dialog.xlb
> > Both end with a general I/O error.
> >
> > This only happens the first time in session. It still does create the file.
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Martin S
> >
> >   
> We need a bit more information. We don't know your operating system 
> (Windows, Mac, Linux) and what version you're running. It would also be 
> helpful to know whether you can open the file that's created or not. 
> This will help us figure out if it's a bug that's been reported or not. 
> However, I would try removing and reinstalling OpenOffice.org before 
> responding, because if there's a missing file, that should fix it.

Hi Martin,

This is usually the case when you have a macro that you run in OOo,
and then you have upgraded to a newer version. The upgrade means
that your path has changed and therefor the paths relative to the
macro. Solution is to re-add all your macros, or you could copy the
files and modify the paths by hand, depending on what is easier
for you.

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