On Friday 25 November 2005 01:44 pm, Robin Laing wrote:
> SOTL wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > I have downloaded OpenOffice-2 for both MS Windows and Linux boxes.
> > Installation and start up of MS Windows worked great. Installation of
> > OpenOffice-2 in Linux allegedly worked but I can not figure out how start
> > the program. What I would like to know is where the program files are
> > located and under what name.
> >
> > I did have OpenOffice m173 installed on the Linux box before and at that
> > time the program files were located in /usr/bin/openoffice*. This does
> > not currently appear to be the case with the final edition of 2.0. So my
> > first question is where are these files located? I have searched for
> > every combinations of file name I can think of without success.
> >
> > SOTL
>  From memory.
> Depending on the version of Linux and desktop, you should have a sub
> directory of desktop integration tools that you need to pick the
> correct one to install on your system.  I believe this has the menu
> items for your desktop.
> Robin.

Very insetering but what is the file name of say writer? 

If past installations are a guide then launching writer will bring writer up. 
Of course if there are other methods to install other than by rpm _Uvh 
openoffice* which does install open office then these methods would be 
includes in the test files. Since the readme files are devout of specific 
installation information one can only assume standard rpm installation is the 
correct procedure. This procedure has worked completely and fully in the 
past. In such installation procedure there is NO specific menu installation 
for ALL version of Linux only for Fedora and SuSE which is not my system.


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