> There is NO Reason for it being there.  NONE!  It must be removed or 

Yes, there is. It is an English word, part of the language and the
English vocabulary. It has a meaning, therefore I expect to find it in
a dictionary. There are other words with the same or very similar
meaning therefore I expect to find it in the thesaurus.

> OpenOffice.org will become boycotted on many levels, Schools,
> religious organizations, and Governments, as well as possibly liable
> if/when someone with enough money decides that it falls under the
> rule of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.  There is no
> reason for it, or any other profane word, and "removing the shock
> value" is an unacceptable "work around".

Indeed it is. Maybe if those schools, religious organisations and
governments would put a little effort (and money) into education,
then those profane words would not be so often used, which would
also save their shock value. Of course censoring is the easy way, like
quickly sweeping the dirt under the carpet - yes, the room is not clean
but we can't see dirt so it's OK.

> Every SMTP Spam filter I know of filters these words, why on earth
> would any self respecting Word Processor maker put these in a
> Thesaurus?

Because it is indeed a Word Processor. Its duty is to aide its human
master by removing the burden of mechanical activities when the human
wants to express something using words. The program and its dictionary
or thesaurus should not dictate the morality of its user. 

You have to draw a line - censoring words, burning books, witches and
heretics must not be done by the mindless computer. It is strictly our 
job. All in all, we are the "intelligent" ones.


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