mattias davidsson <mattias.davidsson <at>> writes:
... in two, or more rows I have the following cell values
> 23-25, 26  the row for this cell would be split into several rows, one for
each number, ie the row with the cell would be split into rows with the cell
values 23, 24, 25 and 26 where the values in the other columns for the row are
> from the oringial row where the cell was.
> is this understandable?
> > I would like to do one of two things
> > 1.  calculate the following from different cell values
> > from cell value 1-4, 7-9    (describing ranges of weeks)
> > I would like to calculate the number of weeks, in this case 7.
> > From cellvalue 2-4, 5,6
> > the same thing, number of weeks is now 5
> > or any variant of the above..
> > the result should be put in a new cell in a new column
I for one do not understand.  It might help if you include a pasting from an
actual spreadsheet. If I put 1-4, 7-9 into a cell, it is probably a label, not a
value.  Certainly, it does not seem to be possible to manipulate such an entry
with a formula.

I think you need to re-phrase part of your first posting - it's impossible,
surely, to split a row into several rows or for a cell to occupy more than one
row.  If you paste an example, displaying cells as they appear - in rows and
columns, it should be easier to follow.

It might be a language difference.  In OOo2 columns are labelled A to IV (left
to right), rows are numbered 1 to 65536 (top to bottom) and a cell is defined by
a column label and row number, e.g. C23.

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