Hodgins Family wrote:

Good evening!

I am trying to create a Base database with hyperlink fields. It seems as
though one should use a text field and just store the URL there. But how
does one then get that field to function like a hyperlink? I'd be grateful
for any help.

This has been bugging me for some months now, too. All that I see when I go through the OOo docs or Google is some references to writing my own macro. You're joking, right? If I wanted to program some capability that Access has had for years now, I'd stick with VBA.

OpenOfficeFolks, hyperlinking in Access has been around for some time now. When will you let Base "grow up" to have this capability -- as a field definition in a table, not a macro, and not some kludge that is a part of a form?

Just my $0.02 worth.


No matter what, there will always be at least one feature that you liked better in another product. People would look at me funny if I said that I refused to use any MS Office product because they do not support exporting to a PDF file like OpenOffice.org has supported for a long time. At least with OOo, you are able to create an RFE (Request For Enhancement).

Now comes the fun part...

Although a Calc document stores URLs in a URL text field, Write documents identify contained URLs based on character properties. A link becomes a link, when the HyperLinkURL property is set.

I poked around the data types and I could not find anything resembling what you desire. This sounds like a useful thing to have. It is nothing more than a text field with special properites. You can probably use a Pattern Field. What sort of URLs did you want to recognize? What special behavior does a URL field have in Access? A URL field is NOT a valid SQL type of which I am aware, so it is nothing more than a special behavior when used in a form.

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
My Book: http://www.hentzenwerke.com/catalog/oome.htm
Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php
See Also: http://documentation.openoffice.org/HOW_TO/index.html

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