G. Roderick Singleton wrote:
On Sat, 2005-12-17 at 12:49 +0000, Enrique Castro wrote:

I work in spanish, with lots of ñ, accented vowels (á, ó) etc.
I used to export OOo Writer text into XHTML using iso-8859-1 encoding. To do that I edited manually the XHTML filter /share/xslt/export/xjtml/ooo2xhtml.xsl, changing the encoding of the output stream:
<xsl:output method = "xml"
            encoding = "iso-8859-1"   .... etc

This worked in 1.1 and in OOo1.9.100
However, this seems NOT to work with OOo2.0 or 2.0.1

How can I change the encoding of the exported XHTML file?

Why won't the stock UTF-8 encoding work for you? Seems to me from a
quick pass through http://www.unicode.org/ that unicode would be best.
If all else fails,
But there are lots of applications that are not Unicode-aware and expect an specific encoding in text files (even OOo created text files). I can use a separate converte, but this function was intended to be used as part of a macro distributed to users's computers. End users tend to ignore anything about "text encoding", they concentrate on creating and editing documents.

I suggest that you enter either an issue or a Request
for Enhancement (RFE) into Issue
Tracker as this is the best way to have problems such as this evaluated.
I will wait for some other answers
I do not think this is a RFE. It worked in 1.9.100 and if the XSLT filters are edited by hand one would expect OOo would honor those changes, wouldn't it?


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