I am trying to print Christmas Cards on open office2.0 can anyone can help 
Hi Kevin,

Better people than I can probably help you better, so I will see if I can simply get a few things started.

Be very very specific in your setup, how far you managed to get, and what the problem really is. I will state some assumptions so that you can provide modified details to assist us in helping you...

Problem one:
Are you trying to print mailing labels? If this is the case, then I assume that you have some data someplace (say a spreadsheet).

Problem two:
I am working to hard and you really do mean that you want to print Christmas cards. You want to design a special card and you can not setup the page exactly as you want it. If this is the case, then are you trying to design a simple page (as in a sheet of paper and printing a letter) or do you have some kind of fancy paper that is folded in a certain way? I recently designed and printed a couple different tri-folds which had information on both sides of the paper. I printed them on a nice duplex color laser printer and they look wonderful.

Problem three:
You have some kind of letter designed and NOW you want to personalize it by performing a mail merge. A mail merge would allow your christmas card to read something like: <person's name here> and now for my special Christmas Message...

Based on another reply that you already entered, you have problem two. Here is your reply:

> Warick I have this problem, the instructions on my christmas card says this top margin 5.25 > side margin 0.25, label height 5.25, label width 8.00, number across 1, number down 1 > I have gone to the label document but I can't get some of the margins to change?
> can you help me
> Kevin

If I am correct, then you have special "card stock". If you pickup this card stock, is the entire label 8 inches wide and 5.25 inches tall? I assume that perhaps you have perforated edges that you can rip off with 0.25 inch margins.

When they say that you have one accross and one down, this can be a bit confusing. consider mailing labels for a second. This will make no sense if you have never seen mailing labels, of course. In the mailing labels that I use, I buy them in sheets of thirty. So, I have a piece of paper that is 8.5 inches wide and 11 inches tall. Each sheet contains 30 labels. There are ten rows of labels. Each row has 3 labels. After the labels are printed, I can peel the labels off and place them on my envelopes.

OK, now back to your issues. They are saying that these are 8 inches wide and 5.25 inches tall. I would say that you can solve this problem in one of two ways. Either, you can create a page style that matches this (do you know how to use page styles?) or you can define a label style (which it sounds like you are trying to do so I will pursue this).

Use File | New | Labels

If you are using Avery lables, then you are in luck because many of these labels are ALREADY defined. Choose the brand from the Brand drop down in the lower left...

Now, if you are using Avery, then the card will have a stock number. It will say something like: "5389 Post Card". I did not see anything like what you explained, so perhaps this is not the case. Therefore, you need to define your own. Click on the "Format" tab. Here, you can enter the dimensions.

I would continue, but it is 1:30 am and I need to get up for Church in the morning (and if I do not head up for bed now, then "she who must be obeyed" will probably have my carcus...)

Am I at least on the right track with this?

Andrew Pitonyak
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See Also: http://documentation.openoffice.org/HOW_TO/index.html

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