I devised this for someone on one of the forums.  It was producing the desired
result but now results in an exception message: "An exception occurred Type:com.
sun.star.task.ErrorCodeIOException Message:."  I can find nothing wrong and have
run out of ideas.  Can anyone help?

Sub makePPT

Dim oDoc as Object, sCut as String, sName as String, sUrl as String, _
        aArgs1(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue

        oDoc = StarDesktop.getCurrentComponent()
        sUrl = oDoc.Url
        sCut = Right ( sUrl, 5 )
        sName = Left ( sUrl, InStr( 1, sUrl, sCut ) )
        sUrl = ConvertToURL ( sName & ".ppt" )

        aArgs1(0).Name = "InteractionHandler"
        aArgs1(0).Value = ""
        aArgs1(1).Name = "FilterName"
        aArgs1(1).Value = "MS Powerpoint 97"

        oDoc.storeToURL ( sUrl, aArgs1() )
Rem     oDoc.storeToURL ( "file:///home/terry/Work/announce.ppt" , aArgs1() )
'This produces the same exception.  Using the macro to load the document
'makes no difference.
End Sub

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